Holiday lighting
The New year is the most anticipated holiday all year. The tradition to celebrate the New year came to us from the ancient times, when our ancestors believed in signs and magic, invented different symbols and believed, that at the new year the ground renews itself and the people refresh themselves. That's why centuries later the holiday of the New year seems so unusual and magical.
features and application
Key features and spheres of the products application
Street decoration
It is said not without a reason - how you will meet the New year, is exactly how you will spend it. And we try to make it bright and memorable for the whole year. That is why, when preparing for the New year holidays, people dress up the Christmass tree, decorate the indoor interiors, house facades, as well as city streers with the New year garlands, duralights, motiffs and another holiday symbols.
Home decoraton
Tofay we can't inagine a New year without a shining garland on the Christmas tree, as well as different «shining» street decorations. If you would like to create the holiday atmosphere at home, decorate a private house, a territory around it or create a holiday atmosphere at a public place, you can contact us and we will certainly help you.
Territory decoration
If you would like to create the holiday atmosphere at home, decorate a private house, a territory around it or create a holiday atmosphere at a public place, you can contact us and we will certainly help you.
Represented brands
We supply production of the following brands