• Sources of light

    Sources of light

    Source of light – is any object, which emits
    energy in the form of light illumination

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  • Sources of light

    Sources of light

    Source of light – is any object, which emits
    energy in the form of light illumination

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  • Sources of light

    Sources of light

    Source of light – is any object, which emits
    energy in the form of light illumination

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  • Sources of light

    Sources of light

    Source of light – is any object, which emits
    energy in the form of light illumination

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Special lamps

At home we use incadescent bulbs, standard halogen bulbs, halogen bulbs with reflector, economical luminiscent bulbs, energy-saving bulbs, and of course the most popular nowadays LED bulbs. Next category is infrared lamps and bactericidal sources of light. This lamps are special sources of light and are applied in agriculture and medical sphere. 

features and application

Key features and spheres of products application

Infrared lamos

Infrared lamos

Infrared and bactericidal sources of lamps are quality sources of light and are applied in agriculture and medical sphere. 
Discharge lamps

Discharge lamps

Discharged lamps gained maximal popularity in the industrial sector, trade sphere, as well as housing and communal services sphere. Discharge lamps include metal halide lamps, mercury lamps, mercury-tungsten lamps, as well as sodium lamps.


Each of the listed sources of light is applied for certain purposes, where their expluatation characteristics are maximally efficient.

represented brands

We supply production of the following brands

  • Abb
  • shnider
  • Delux
  • legrand
  • Gira
  • Merten

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