• Sources of light

    Sources of light

    Source of light – is any object, which emits
    energy in the form of light illumination

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  • Sources of light

    Sources of light

    Source of light – is any object, which emits
    energy in the form of light illumination

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  • Sources of light

    Sources of light

    Source of light – is any object, which emits
    energy in the form of light illumination

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  • Sources of light

    Sources of light

    Source of light – is any object, which emits
    energy in the form of light illumination

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Classic bulbs

Classic bulb – is a bulb, which source of light is tungsten filament. When current is applied to the tungsten filament, it is heating up to high temperature and begins to emit the light. Classical bulbs include incadescent bulbs, as well as halogen sources of light.

features and application

Key features and spheres of product application

Incadescent bulbs

Incadescent bulbs

Invention of incadescent bulbs began a whole new era of synthetic soources of light. However nowadays such bulbs can be seen more and more rarely in residental buildings. Outdated technology and low efiiciency of the bulb lead to its replacement with other more efficient and economical sources of light.
Halogen bulbs

Halogen bulbs

As opposed to icadescent bulbs, halogen bulb is more porular. Owing to twice better working life, big range of shapes and bases and cheap price, halogen bulb is applied iniversally at home, in street floodlights, for illumination when filming or making a video, and car illumination.


Standard incadescent bulbs of pear shape and trnasparent flusk are widely applied in cimmercial and home lighting owing to its sparkling light, simplicity in handling and excellent color rendition.

represented brands

We supply products of the following brands

  • Abb
  • shnider
  • Delux
  • legrand
  • Gira
  • Merten

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